Executive coordinators

Prof. Dr Amâncio Oliveira

Prof. Amâncio Oliveira holds a Bachelor’s degree in Medicine from University of São Paulo (1993) and a Ph.D in Political Sciences also from USP...

Pedro Ivo Ferraz da Silva

Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Brazil Secretary Pedro Ivo Ferraz da Silva is a career diplomat and is the Head of the Science, Technology & Innovation...

Executive Committee

Janina Onuki

Full Professor at the Political Science Department at USP. She is currently coordinator of the International Relations research area of the Latin American Political...

Guilherme Ary Plonski

Guilherme Ary Plonski holds master and doctoral degrees in Industrial Engineering, and was a Fulbright Visiting Research Scholarship at the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute’s Center for...

Moacyr Martucci Júnior

Full professor at the Department of Engineering and Digital Systems of Escola Politécnica of Universidade de São Paulo and the Coordinator of the Institute...

Elizabeth Balbachevsky

Associate professor at the Department of Political Science, the University of São Paulo (USP) and fellow at Forum for Strategic Policies, Rectory, State University...

Alberto Pfeifer

Alberto holds a PhD in Human Geography from the Faculty of Philosophy, Letters and Human Sciences of the University of São Paulo (FFLCH-USP), with...

Gabriela Gomes Coelho Ferreira

Gabriela holds a PhD in International Relations from the Institute of International Relations at the University of São Paulo and King's College London (Joint...

Pedro Ivo Ferraz da Silva

Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Brazil Secretary Pedro Ivo Ferraz da Silva is a career diplomat and is the Head of the Science, Technology & Innovation...

Prof. Dr Amâncio Oliveira

Prof. Amâncio Oliveira holds a Bachelor’s degree in Medicine from University of São Paulo (1993) and a Ph.D in Political Sciences also from USP...

Counsellor Luis Fernando Corrêa da Silva Machado

Head of Division of Technology Promotion I, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Brazil Luis Fernando Machado joined the diplomatic career in 2004 and was appointed Head...

Centre for International Negotiation Studies (CAENI)

Ana Maria Gimenez
Almas Taj Awan
Ingrid Torquato
Dayane Carolina Silva
Gustavo Macedo
Iana Maria da Hora dos Santos
Hermano Amaral Pinto
Joao Victor Petrolio de Oliveira Marcondes
Maria Clara Almeida de Aguiar
Maria Gambera
Pedro Capucci Moreira e Silva

International Analysis Lab – Bertha Lutz (LAI)

Antonio Rapetti
Marianne Winkler
Patrick Ribeiro
Táriq Quintão
Paulo César Cardoso
Giulia Oliveira
Beatriz Allegretti
Rebecca Loiola
Sô Sanz
Ana Carolina Ribeiro
Luiz Fernando Bevilacqua
Max Guerchfeld
Maria Beatriz Turci
Amanda Vargas
Francis Christ
João Eduardo do Rosário
Ana Luisa de Andrade
Yago Gabriel Santos
Vitor Nicoletti
Estefany Mariana da Silva
Vinícius Dias
Bruno Alves
Arthur Augusto Alves
Felipe Teixeira