Dr Julio Oliveira

CEO, Idea! Electronic Systems

R&D executive and team leader with history of innovation, building technology ecosystems to achieve high technology goals at optical communications field. Bachelor, Electrical Eng., 2003, UFCG-Brazil; Master, Electrical Eng. (Photonics), UNICAMP-Brazil, 2004, and Ph.D, UNICAMP-Brazil, Electrical Eng. (Photonics), 2007. From 2004 to 2014 took, researcher and general manager positions at optical communications systems and photonics devices divisions at CPqD Foundation. Founder and CEO of BrPhotonics, a high-tech startup with accelerated growth in optical communications area developing high end products, LASERs, Modulators, ASICs. Founder of PI-TEC Product Technologies, 2017, and R&D executive and team leader with history of innovation, building technology ecosystems to achieve high technology goals at optical communications field. Bachelor, Electrical Eng., 2003, UFCG-Brazil; Master, Electrical Eng. (Photonics), UNICAMP-Brazil, 2004, and Ph.D, UNICAMP-Brazil, Electrical Eng. (Photonics), 2007. From 2004 to 2014 took, researcher and general manager positions at optical communications systems and photonics devices divisions at CPqD Foundation. Founder and CEO of BrPhotonics, a high-tech startup with accelerated growth in optical communications area developing high end products, LASERs, Modulators, ASICs. Founder of PI-TEC Product Technologies, 2017, and

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Dr Pierre-Bruno Ruffini

Janina Onuki

Guilherme Ary Plonski

Dr Ademar Seabra da Cruz Junior

Prof. Dr Xavier Barcons

Executive Commitee

Janina Onuki

Guilherme Ary Plonski

Moacyr Martucci Júnior

Elizabeth Balbachevsky

Alberto Pfeifer