Dr Paulina Carmona

Biochemist / Gene regulation in human disease, Genome Center, University of California-Davis

Paulina’s current research interests focus on using genomic and molecular tools to understand mechanisms that control neurological and developmental disorders. Paulina also serves as representative in North and Central America for Ekpa’palek, where she also mentors Latin American students. She is interested in global affairs, in connecting countries through science and increasing diversity in the scientific community.

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Dr Pierre-Bruno Ruffini

Janina Onuki

Guilherme Ary Plonski

Dr Ademar Seabra da Cruz Junior

Prof. Dr Xavier Barcons

Executive Commitee

Janina Onuki

Guilherme Ary Plonski

Moacyr Martucci Júnior

Elizabeth Balbachevsky

Alberto Pfeifer