Dr Ingrid Barth

Ingrid Barth is the founder of Linker Bank, a fintech specialising in digital
accounts for SMEs, and a Director at ABFintechs (Brazilian Fintechs Association)
and at FIESP (Federation of Industries of the São Paulo State), and a member of
the National Startups Committee at the Central Bank of Brazil. She studied
economics and civil engineering, an MBA in entrepreneurship and innovation
from FIA-USP. She specialized in treasury services in New York and Chicago
(JPMorgan University) and in innovation and design thinking (HiveLab SP). She
was also ISO brazilian delegate ITU ONU Champion for Blockchain.


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Dr Pierre-Bruno Ruffini

Janina Onuki

Guilherme Ary Plonski

Dr Ademar Seabra da Cruz Junior

Prof. Dr Xavier Barcons

Executive Commitee

Janina Onuki

Guilherme Ary Plonski

Moacyr Martucci Júnior

Elizabeth Balbachevsky

Alberto Pfeifer