Rodrigo Mendes

Happy, easy-going, dreamer and innovation enthusiast. Founder and CEO of Bridge4Global. Partner of CRIABIZ Ventures and Partner and Country Manager Brazil for UGlobally. Expert Consultant for start-up and innovation ecosystems internationalization. Director of International Relations at ANPROTEC – National Association of Entities Promoting Innovative Enterprises. Former President of the Latin American Division of the IASP _ International Association of Science Parks. Angel Investor, Mentor and Startup Advisor. I was Executive Coordinator of International Business Development at São José dos Campos Technology Park. Aerospace Brazil Program Manager in partnership with APEX Brasil. Also was Director of Innovation, and later Executive Director of the Development and Innovation Agency of Sorocaba-Inova Sorocaba, manager of the Sorocaba Technology Park. Co-founder of the Sorocaba Technology Business Incubator – INTES and former Executive Director of the Incubator. Post-Graduate lawyer in International Economic and Commercial Law and in Management and Execution of Technology Innovation Projects. I have experience in Law, with an emphasis on Private International Law, Intellectual Property and Technology Transfer and work in the areas of Knowledge Management, Entrepreneurship, Technology Innovation, Internationalization, and business development.

Institution: uGlobally

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Dr Pierre-Bruno Ruffini

Janina Onuki

Guilherme Ary Plonski

Dr Ademar Seabra da Cruz Junior

Prof. Dr Xavier Barcons

Executive Commitee

Janina Onuki

Guilherme Ary Plonski

Moacyr Martucci Júnior

Elizabeth Balbachevsky

Alberto Pfeifer

Mark Sixma