Roseli de Deus Lopes

Roseli de Deus Lopes is an Associate Professor at the Electronic Systems Engineering Department of the Polytechnic School of the University of São Paulo (EP-USP). She received a bachelor, master, doctoral and post-doctorate degrees in Electrical Engineering from EP-USP. She is the vice-chair of the Instrumentation Center of Interactive Technologies at USP (CITI-USP). She was Vice-Chair (2006-2008) and Director (2008-feb.2010) of Estação Ciência, a Center for Scientific, Technological and Cultural Dissemination of USP. She is a researcher at the Laboratório de Sistemas Integráveis (LSI) of EP-USP since 1988, where she is a principal investigator of the Interactive Electronic Media research group (which includes research in computer graphics, digital image processing, techniques and devices for human-computer interaction, virtual reality and augmented reality). She coordinates research projects in the area of Interactive Electronic Media, with emphasis on applications related to Education and Health, and scientific dissemination initiatives and projects aimed at identifying and developing talents in Science and Engineering. She was responsible for the design and feasibility of Febrace (Brazilian Fair of Science and Engineering), the biggest national pre-college science and engineering fair in Brazil, where she has been acting as the General Coordinator of Febrace. She is the current academic coordinator of the ‘USP e as Profissões’ program at USP and a member of the working group of technical and educational support for the program of one computer per student (UCA – um computador por aluno), sponsored by the Ministry of Education. Besides, she is a member of the Deliberative council of the Museum of Sciences of University of São Paulo. (Source: Lattes Curriculum)

Institution: Deputy Director, IEA – USP

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