Prof. Dr Marcos Nogueira Martins

USP Innovation Agency (AUSPIN)

Prof. Dr. Marcos Nogueira Martins is Coordinator of the USP Innovation Agency since May 2019. He graduated in Physics in the University of São Paulo (1973) and completed his master’s (1976) and doctorate (1982) degrees in Physics, also at USP. He is a full professor at the Institute of Physics (IF-USP), and was the Director of Research and Development at the National Nuclear Energy Commission and Director of IFUSP. He has experience in the field of Physics, mainly in the areas: electron accelerators and the interaction of photons and electrons with matter. Co-author of about 60 works published in refereed and indexed journals; about 30 complete works published in the annals of international events; and 2 patents filed within the INPI.


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Dr Pierre-Bruno Ruffini

Janina Onuki

Guilherme Ary Plonski

Dr Ademar Seabra da Cruz Junior

Prof. Dr Xavier Barcons

Executive Commitee

Janina Onuki

Guilherme Ary Plonski

Moacyr Martucci Júnior

Elizabeth Balbachevsky

Alberto Pfeifer